We are Proud to Announce our CCMA Accreditation
After four years as a CCMA Applicant School, this week we finally received full CCMA (Canadian Council of Montessori Administrators) accreditation. Accreditation means that we are now recognized as a school which is offering authentic Montessori education.
Many parents don’t realize that the Montessori name was never copyrighted. This means that any program can call itself a Montessori School without honestly providing genuine Montessori education. All licensed child care programs, including Montessori Schools, Waldorf Schools, etc., are inspected by the Ministry of Education to ensure that they are offering a safe, healthy environment for children. But CCMA is the only organization Canada-wide which inspects Montessori Schools to ensure that they are offering authentic Montessori education to children.
CCMA accreditation is a long, rigorous process, so parents who choose a CCMA accredited school can be secure in the knowledge that their children are receiving an education which is approved by the Montessori family.
Parents need to know that they are getting what they are paying for. The only way to ensure this is to enrol your child in a CCMA accredited school.